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Slipped Disc: 3 symptoms to look out for!

Is your back pain driving you crazy? Even though backache can be triggered by muscle injury, stress, and many other reasons, a slipped or herniated disc can be a reason as well.

What is a Slipped Disc?

Spinal discs hold your spine together. These discs are located between the vertebrae of the spine. It has a tough outer shell (annulus) that encases a jelly-like substance (nucleus). A slipped disc occurs due to wear and tear of the annulus or a back injury which leads to a crack in the annulus which leads to the nucleus protruding out of the disc, hence causing a slipped or herniated disc

A herniated/slipped disc is one of the most common spine injuries and it can affect your neck, back, legs and arms. Sometimes, a slipped disc might not show any symptoms. However, it can be extremely painful at times and may require a check-up by the Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Karachi.

Symptoms of Slipped Disc

1.   Pain or numbness in your legs or arms

Back and neck pain is a good indicator of a slipped disc however it can be due to other reasons such as stress, muscle injury, etc. A more telling sign of a slipped disc is sciatica. The sciatica nerve connects the lower back to the legs and buttocks. Sciatica occurs when the sciatica nerve gets compressed by the spinal cord. If the nerve is compressed, it can cause a radiating pain between the lower back and legs.

Similarly, if the slipped disc is in the neck, it can press against the nerves in the cervical spine. This in turn leads to pain or numbness in the arms, shoulders, and hands.

2.   Sudden pain during physical activity

Certain physical activities can also signify a slipped disc by making the pain worse. Although, exercise is important for those suffering from a slipped disc, too much movement or sudden movements can make the pain much worse, such as:

●     Lifting, pushing, or pulling a heavy object

●     Leaning forward or bending

●     Walking or sitting for long periods

●     Laugh or sneeze

3.   Muscle Weakness

Another sign of a slipped disc is muscle weakness in the legs or back. They can be in the form of muscle spasms that can be extremely painful. Cramps or weakness in the leg can also be a sign of a slipped or herniated disk.

How to reduce the risk of a slipped disk?

While many people face the risk of getting a slipped disc as they age, there are other factors that can lessen the risk of it. These include:

     Staying active

     Maintaining a good posture

     Being in a healthy weight range

     Lifting things at a proper angle



Can a slipped disk be cured?

You probably have a slipped disk if you experience the above symptoms however, it is better to consult the Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Islamabad. They can guide you on the treatment options which are most suitable for you. Most people who suffer from a herniated disc get better after six weeks through non-surgical treatment such as physical therapy and medication.

In some cases, it may require surgery. The doctors recommend surgery when the patient is losing function of parts of their body or the conservative treatment is not showing any positive results.

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